There are many versions of I have.. Who Has..? card games I first learned about it from a purchased sight word version. My students loved it! I knew they wanted more and I found it was a great way to review various content.
I plan on incorporating more this coming school year and am planning to develop science and social studies theme card sets.
It is very easy to create your own. This could be a great writing activity as students build familiarity they can use clip art, magazine pictures, etc. to create their own sets on their own topics. This game is not exclusive to primary grades any age can play.
Set Up
Cut the cards apart. I have labeled them to avoid mixing up the
Distribute the cards, one to each student.
o Less than 27 students: I have given
out an extra card to random students, most patient, nearest birthday, etc. You can
determine your own criteria.
o More than 27 students: You can either
make a second set and have them find a partner to “buddy” with, or they can be “checkers/helpers.”
Verifying cards or helping classmates to read or check their cards.
You may want to make an answer key by printing the card set with
the option multiple pages to make sure the game is flowing.
How to Play
Once cards are distributed students need to determine who has the
card that has the sentence: I have the first card.
The child reads and classmates need to check their card(s) for a
match. If it does they read and play continues goes on.
This continues until they get to the last card which will have the
sentence: This is the end of the game.
Possible challenges can include using a timer to see
if students can beat their own time by reading, listening, and speaking.